Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thank God this day is just about over!

So, I guess no matter how strong we all are and how strong our faith in God is, we will all have our "Woe is me moments."  Today has been one of those days.  No matter how strong I have tried to be, my defenses have been completely down.  I guess it could just be lack of sleep, huh?  For some reason, when the lack of sleep was caused by a crying child, it seemed somewhat easier.  But anyway, this day is almost over, and then nighty night, well for some of the night anyway. :)

I did have a visist with my ENT doctor today to go over procedures for my surgery.  Like I said before, my surgery is set for December 15th.  They expect me to be in ICU for 4 days and in the hospital a total of 7 to 10 days.  Please, everyone pray that I will not need to stay that long, it will kill me not to spend Christmas with my kiddos.  But anyway, they will be removing the part of my tongue with cancer on it and replacing it with part of my arm and an artery from my arm.  They will then remove some skin from my hip to replace on my arm (for some reason, they must have missed all the skin I have hanging around my waist, I could furnish a few surgeries for them, LOL).  They will be removing one of my glands from my neck and also put in a traech (sp?).  Ok, when they told me that, it freaked me out b/c I was not expecting that one at all and was not prepared.  But, come to find out, it could come out in as little as a week or I may have to go home with it.  From what I understand, they may have to use that for a feeding tube.  So, that is that, I was also informed that they will also be sending in home health care for me.  So, I guess all that is lined up, now I just need my big old bottle of courage pills (which I will find, just not today).

Besides that, everything and everyone has been a blessing.  All my family has been extra supportive with the kids and even Christians school (River Dell Elementary).  I really do appreciate all that everyone has done and I know there is no way possible that I could ever repay any of you.  My ex husband is even pitching in.  We are having a really hard time with the bills, so he is holding a Charity Golf Tournament December 11th in my honor.  This is thanks to my baby boy asking his daddy to help his mommy who is really, really sick.  I know what great kids I have but they never cease to amaze me.  They really are my heart.  God has blessed me with best two kids a mother could ever ask for.


  1. Hey, I have some skin to donate, too!! We're sisters, so surely you're a match for the tissue!! :)
    I told you, it's ok to be overwhelmed and feel like everything's spinning out of control. But just focus on getting healthy. Let those of us that are closest deal with the rest.
    Regardless of the hospital stay, you WILL be with your kids on Christmas, I promise you that!!! And I dare a security guard at the hospital to stand in "Aunt Mimi's" way!!!
    I love you, and I think your blogs are amazing. Even though I talk to you on a daily basis, it's still nice to be able to reflect on what you have to say.

  2. Stacy, the first thing you have to remember is that it is OK to have bad days. Just remember that this is temporary, and this too shall pass. I know the thoughts of a treach is scary, but it will allow you to breathe, and for your tongue to heal. The feeding tube will be in your nose, down the back of your throat. That is so you can get nutritional supplements. IV's will keep you hydrated, but the cannot furnish the nutrients that your body needs to heal and become strong. I know this is a scary time, but you have all of us here for you, to do anything you need done, and to put you at the very top of our priority list. Let us do that for you, and you concentrate on getting through the surgery and letting your body heal. As Amanda said, you will be with your children on Christmas, that I promise you, and you know Momma does not make promises that she cannot keep. You are my "new" hero, and while times may get a little tough, I draw my strength from you. Many, many people are praying for you, and some of those people we don't even know~isn't that amazing???Granny said to tell you that she loves you and she prays for you all the time!!! Hang in there and just put your trust in the Lord! I love you!!!!
